About six years ago, my dear, dear friend Jill reintroduced me to quilting. She is a very patient woman with a mantra any student loves to hear: it's good enough. At first, I only made baby quilts and only with her assistance, but now I am comfortable enough to go solo if I so choose. Luckily, I really don't have to choose that because she has opened up her house twice a month for a "Quilt Night." We quilters-of- various-levels-of-expertise can lug our fabrics, sewing machines, rotary cutters, rulers, and mats to her house for hours of fun (sometimes too many hours). We help each other (although to be perfectly honest, Jill does 99% of the helping), learn together, cheer each other on, "ooh" and "ah" at each other's fabric choices and laugh. It's really wonderful. We all work on the same pattern at the same time, but make quilts of different sizes using fabrics of our own choosing.

This is my first "Quilt Night" quilt and it is unlike any other quilt I've made for two reasons; first, I kept this one for myself and second, I hand-quilted it. I was really reluctant to give hand-quilting a try since I already knew how speedy machine quilting can be. Jill had told me, "Trust me, Mendy. You'll love it," and she was right. It was so relaxing to sit and hand-quilt the layers together while I listened to a book on tape (multi-tasking at its finest). And my kids love it. The whole time I was working on it they couldn't wait for it to be completed. Now, they like to snuggle under it in our cool basement. They all want it to be theirs individually, but I say it belongs to the family.
I think my favorite thing about quilting in general is how you look at a pattern and say, "I like that one. I'm going to make that quilt." and then you go and choose fabrics that are more "you" than the ones in the picture. And you cut those big pieces of fabric down and then sew them next to other little pieces you've cut. And soon you have a new big piece of fabric that is more beautiful than all the other pieces were alone. It's a whole deconstruction/reconstruction thing where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And your quilt may or may not resemble the one in the picture that you originally liked, but that's okay; it's a great quilt. I just love that.
I am so impressed with your quilt. It is beautiful. I love to quilt, but have only done baby quilts, that I did not put together. I have never pieced a quilt. HUM, maybe I will have to try it one day.
I WOULD say that you are a quilter....you are great!!! That quilt is sooo good...i love it! Your quilt nights sound so fun, quilting is a great hobby!
Oh Mendy! It's beautiful! I am so impressed. I agree with the post above me....you are a quliter!!
Absolutely spectaculuar, Mendy. Art and craft at their best. Thanks for sharing.
Oh that is beautiful Mendy!! That pattern is so neat! You are a wonderful quilter!!
It's fabulous. A piece of art.
Yay! I was hoping you would do a blog on your beautiful quilt. I certainly will when I finally finish. I actually got my borders sewn the other day. I was going to give you or Jill a call about putting them on the quilt, but I ran out of thread. I will buy some this week and I may be over for some advice! I too, am a little reluctant about the hand quilting, but Kathy brought hers over the other day and had it finished! I was totally impressed (especially since she is left handed (: ). See you at quilt night!
Ce frumoasa! Esti asa de talentata!
Beautiful quilt!!! I love the design. You are definitely a quilter. Way to go.
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