Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Longest Day of the Year

So, today was the longest day of the year. I'm not trying to be melodramatic; I'm stating a fact. I thought it some kind of cruel cosmic joke that the first day my kids would be out of school for summer vacation would also be the summer solstice, or longest day of the year. Happily, I report that although today might have had more daylight hours than any other day on the calendar, it actually flew by! If today was any indication, I'll blink and the next two months will be over.

This morning I decided we'd take a walk to the library. The brood was already signed up for the summer reading program and I thought we could check out some books. We were out the door by nine with everyone coiffed and ready (except me of course, who rarely takes time to coif unless it's Sunday or date night). The youngest three were only too excited to get on the children's computers and play games. Maia had her nose in various books the entire duration of our visit, of course. I got a book on tape for Maia and Mason to listen to during the little girls' naps (I figure I can "supervise" the listening from a semi-reclined position and comatose condition and still enjoy the peace of a quiet afternoon while getting brownie points for "reading" to my older children). I sure hope this works. It just might be one of my most brilliant plans of motherhood to date. Anyway, everyone got to choose a book ( I don't like to get too many--they are slippery creatures, library books, and tend to slither their way behind dressers and under beds, you know?) except Mackenna. I was getting her a book until I looked at her selection closely and realized that we already actually own the book she wanted. I promised to read it to her at home and after some initial crying, she took it quite well. Plus, we were on our way to the park and I was making all kinds of desperate pleas/promises of slides and swings if we could just check out and get out of the library.

My brilliant visiting teacher set up a little playgroup-at-the-playground thing. The weather today was just beautiful so it worked out wonderfully to let the munchkins run free and be their maniacal selves in an appropriate outdoor forum. Mason was having the time of his life with one of the little boys so we invited him over for the afternoon.

The kids (five of them now) and I walked home and I made lunch. I believe in being a short-order cook at lunch (not dinner) and made customized plates for each child. All of them enjoyed their meals. This does not happen often, despite my best efforts. It does my heart good to see them eat!!

While the little girls napped and Mason taught Micah the finer points of Banjo Tooie on Nintendo, Maia and I emptied, cleaned and refilled the kiddie pool for post-nap time use.

One of my old Laurels stopped by unannounced to visit me. I just cannot say enough how I love my Laurels. The girls I taught in my short time as Adviser really have a special place in my life. Anyway, we caught up and cleaned up. It was quite pleasant.

After nap I unleashed the masses into the pristine waters of the swimming pool. Boy, have I gotten my twenty bucks out of that piece of plastic! The kids just have a great time jumping and splashing and expelling all kinds of energy. I am getting a little spoiled by the kiddie pool, though. Usually, we join a regular pool where I have to be much more vigilant at watching my young in the water (meaning I am always in the water with them). But this kiddie pool business allows me to actually read a book while I am acting like Mother of the Year and making sure my children get plenty of exercise and outdoor time. It might be hard to join the big pool come August like we've been planning.

My dearest love, Michael, who only works 40 hours a week now (hip, hip hooray!), came home as I was putting our marinated pork chops on the grill. We had time to chat and sit and hold children before eating our dinner of said chops, corn, apples and yogurt. AGAIN, Mason and the little girls ate. I lost track of Marlee and Mackenna's helpings of meat. Be still my heart!

Tonight, I hosted my card club and had a lovely chat with some dear gals. I do so love all the girls in my club and only wish more had been able to come.

So, you see, the longest day of the year actually went by pretty quickly. And we only have two weeks until we go on our trip. This summer is just going to fly by--and then I'll have a second and a fourth grader. Crazy!


Lynette said...

That sounds like a great fit so much stuff in one day! Sorry I missed card club, I was really bummed!

Jenni said...

Wow!! That was a busy day and I'm so glad I got to spend part of it with you!! I love the book on tape idea!! Sophie loves to listen to books on tape and that might be a lovely "be quiet Nina is sleeping" tactic!! :) You are the mother of the year Mendy - kiddie pool or not!! :)

Quotation of the Month

There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.

-Jill Churchill