Naturally, here chez Hunter, we have a plethora of hair accoutrements: ribbons, bows, flowers, etc.
Now, my kids do chores. They clean their rooms and they help clean the common areas of the house. But, they clean like kids. You know what I'm saying, right? So, sometimes, I start from top and bottom and I go through the house cleaning like a madwoman. I clear out nooks that kids don't see and secret stashes the kids think I don't know about. Invariably, I find hair accessories in almost every room of the house (not Mason's room--he'd never be able to sleep at night!).
When I find a hair clip, I just pick it up and then put it in my hair until I make my way to the bathroom that houses the girls' hair supplies. If you stop by my house on such a day, you'd undoubtedly see me with a couple of clashing bows in my hair. This has actually happened to me--where someone stops by and says, "Nice bow(s)" and I wonder what they are talking about until I walk past a mirror.
Anyway, a while ago I must have been on a particularly in depth cleaning frenzy because by the time I got to the girls' bathroom, my head was covered in hair paraphernalia.
When I saw my reflection, I just had to laugh. This was a day that no witness stopped by to see my stunning look and it seemed too funny not to share. I had to take a couple of photos so you could laugh, too.
Without further ado, I present my awesome hairdo of which you will be insanely jealous, no doubt: