Sunday, July 13, 2008

Memory Tag

I can't remember if I've done this before but it's going around again, so here goes:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.



~ Amy said...

I remember when you got locked out of your house at the end of preschool one day. Everyone was playing outside but the kids were tired and hungry. I was the first one there but I had to rush off to make it to an appointment. You had to wait for all the preschool kids to get picked up before you could walk to a friend's house to retrieve one of your many spares... I never did find out if any of the kids ended up having to pee in the grass or if it all worked out ok...

Ruth said...

So much pressure to be the first one to leave a memory.

Well, I have a lot of little memories about you but the one that left a big impression was the first time I met you. I remember being new in the ward about 8 years ago and you were so friendly and welcoming. I remember telling Ryan that I met this really nice girl and I was so happy she was so nice to me. As the ward split and then we moved out of state I have often wished I had not taken that for granted and that I had made time to become closer friends with you! I feel a connection also now that we live in PA!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

So nice to discover your blog. Just wanted to say hello..LOVE the title

Jeri said...

I remember as the compassionate service leader calling you a few times when I was in a pinch. You were always willing and HAPPY to serve others. You always went the extra mile to help those in need, and one day I will be just like you! =)

I also remember that you made *THE CUTEST* cards in card club! =)

Christie said...

I remember coming to your house for dinner early on and being shocked at how clean it was. You have the same number of children as me, but somehow, your house didn't look destroyed like mine. I also will never forget the grilled veggies that night, but I think that is a memory for Mike if I recall he was in charge of the veggies and the grilling, but it was REALLY YUmmy. OH! And I will never ever in all my years forget the meal that you brought me when I had Katie. You brought in EVERYTHING. Plates, cups, drinks, food, snacks, and treats. The whole nine yards! It was fabulous, far far far above and beyond. What an amazing woman you are

Tracy said...

My earliest memory of you is watching you with Stacey & Jill running Relief Society and thinking you had it all together and were very mature for your young age. I didn't think I was cool enough to be your friend, but so glad you've taken me under your wing :)

Wendy said...

So many to choose from...just the other day I was thinking of you and our long walks around Brasov, laughing and crying as the occasion merited. You just can't have a better friend in times of need than that!

Colette said...

I have so many wonderful memories of someone who was like a sister to me. I still remember the day you took me to get my license. My mom was such a sport when she asked where i had been and i cooly replied oh, just driving mendy's car home with my new driver's license.

Brandon and Jen Jensen said...

I remember saying, "Who is that guy you are speaking Romanian to?"...Now I am married to him! I believe it was at ward prayer. Not sure if you even remember that, but I sure do! You and Kimber were so cute together and so fun. The best darn visiting teachers a girl could have!

p.s. I may not post on my blog for a couple days, because I just posted!!! :)

Jenny said...

I remember when we were both at a baby shower for someone while I was heavily pregnant with Thomas and James. The only chair left was a hard, uncomfortable one. You gave me your soft seat so I could have somewhere comfortable to sit.

Jenni said...

Oh Mendy what memory to pick?? I'm going to have to go with one of our visiting teaching adventures - do you remember the eucalyptus wreath on our sweet visiting teachees door that she hated the smell of??!!! Oh, the look on both our faces must have been hilarious!! It has been such a pleasure being your visiting teaching companion for 5 years!!! You are an amazing woman and I'm so lucky that you're my friend!!

Mary said...

I remember once on a youth temple trip (yours) my mom was one of the drivers. I got to ride along and Rochelle and you playing "padiddle" the whole time long.

Melodie said...

Too many memories! I remember one time when we were over for a playdate, and you decided to make brownies. You poured the batter into the pan,and didn't even attempt to scrape the bowl, so that there would be plenty for us to lick! After we enjoyed the bowl (while the kids were playing downstairs), you asked me if I wanted some more. But the bowl was licked clean, and I couldn't understand what you were suggesting. Until you handed me a spoon, and opened the oven. As I recall, there were still plenty of baked brownies for everyone, but to this day I can't make brownies without thinking of you. Your friendship is one of the greatest blessings of my mission. Miss you!

Rachelle said...

Seriously, you want one? I remember the car dance. LATE Night snacks at Dennys. Sneaking out of Young Women's. Of course I remember the "I Don't Want to Get Married" song. Love ya girl. I'm starting a blog soon so you can reciprocate memories soon.

Julia said...

I remember you having me over for my birthday last year. I got to have Girl's Night with you and your girls; I swung them around until they were dizzy, and we had a great time.

Corinne said...

I remember how you made me feel so welcome. I think that may have been our first playdate and you made such an effort to make me feel welcome. I remember lots of book club nights and a certain bear in the Bass Pro Shop (wink wink). I LOVE YOU!!

whitney allison said...

I can't help but notice that I'm the only blood to do this, is this a non-blood thing? Thinking way back I'd have to say that I just remember being shocked when you were annoyed that you had to stay home from school because I was sick and mom had to go to work. I remember you telling me that I wasn't really sick and I should just go to school and all I could think is, she's nuts, why on earth is she mad that she can't go to school?

Kellie said...

My first memories are second hand. I used to thank the Lord for you in my prayers for being such good friends to Phil and Alex. They were so lonely in Laurel with Phil's schedule so hectic and no kids to help them connect with other couples. They treasured you and so I loved you before I ever even met you!

Amber said...

Remember when you let me wax your eyebrows and I ACCIDENDTALLY dropped some of the wax in you eyelashes and you FREAKED OUT like I did it on purpose and tried to tell on me to mom but you were the one who got in trouble, not me, because you were dumb enough to let me do it in the first place? Ahh, memories. They grew back, didn't they?!!!!

nicole said...

I think I already posted this on here once but I just have to say one of my best memories was the first time I saw you BYU campus. I was a homesick little freshman and you were like my little piece of home walking down the street. I seriously wanted to do one of those crazy dances I'd seen you do with my sisters so many times.

Shanda said...

What a great idea for a post! I will definitely do the same on my blog.

So now for a memory... I remember us being on a split and me suggesting we go out to eat lunch instead of heading to one of our apartments to eat. You told me that because you knew you would be on a split with me, you brought enough money to eat out with you. Perhaps a silly little memory, but I loved that you didn't judge me for enjoying eating out and that you were so prepared. Thanks again!

Quotation of the Month

There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.

-Jill Churchill