My Funny Fourth-Grader
Today, in technology class, Maia had to make a comic strip of her favorite fourth grade memories. (I won't even go into how I have no idea how one would begin to go about such a task, but my nine year-old is obviously capable.) Anyway, I thought it was pretty cute. My favorite is the bottom left one.

Quotation of the Month
There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.
-Jill Churchill
Very cute. I love going to the technology class with kindergarten. It is amazing what they get these kids to do with the computer.
SO Maia! I loved that one too, talk about embarrassing yourself! LOL what a silly gal
That is super cool!! I love the captions!!
What a talented girl she is! I love her pictures of herself. I had no idea owl pellets were part of the school program.
wow... school sure has changed since I was a kid (many moons ago)
That is AWESOME! What a personality coming through there!! I like that bottom left one too.
What a cutie! I sure do miss that girl. I am very impressed by her technological skills.
I am in a slight bit of shock. I just popped over to your recipe swap website, and found what looks like a delicious recipe for potato soup posted by Mendy!?! Surely there isn't another Mendy in your group! Does my memory deceive me, or did I once eat every piece of potato from your bowl of soup at Sora Lupu's house? I am very impressed! I think I'll have to check back and see if you have posted a recipe for Spanish Rice! :)
That is hilarious!!
OH MY GOSH. That is a riot. That bottom one sounds like maybe she is from another country :)
I am impressed, that was so fun!
Oh I loved this. Nine and ten year olds have the most surprising sense of humor.
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